

Peau de Bébé

彷若印象派畫家克勞德莫奈筆下的Les Nympheas系列,利用黃銅、大理石、鍍鈦金屬、水磨石、花卉牆布及天鵝絨面料,營造出迷人的光影、空間印象和色彩變化,材料反射好似畫中湖的的漣漪,為空間拉開了序幕。本案為醫美診所空間,將古典元素與現代風格的家具相互搭配,呈現出一個融合古典主義的現代美學沙龍。



This space was inspired by the paintings of Les Nympheas series by Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Brass, Brazilian marble, titanium-plated metal, water-milled stone, floral wall coverings and velvet fabrics are used to create a fascinating spatial impression of light and shadow and color changes between different materials.The ripples reflected from the materials are like the lake in the painting, which prefaces the story of the brand.

Interior Design | Emerald Design
Furnishings | Emerald Design
Photography | Dayform Photography


